1940 Biografisches

Miriam Davenport erinnert sich an Mehrings Flucht aus Frankreich

Die amerikanische Bildhauerin Miriam Davenport (1915 – 1999) erlebte die 1940 die Besetzung Frankreichs durch deutsche Truppen in Paris. SIe floh wie viele andere Künstler in den Süden. In Toulouse wurde ihr Walter Mehring vorgestellt, den sie schon mehrfach in ihrem Pariser Hotel gesehen hatte:

„One day, when Wolff and I were walking in the Place du Capitole, I recognized a sharp-faced little man coming towards Wolff with a broad smile and outstretched hand. I had known him on a „Bonjour, Monsieur“ basis in my hotel in Paris where he usually carried a bottle of wine in a paper bag under one arm. Wolff greeted him warmly and introduced him to me as Monsieur Mehring. The latter said, „Oh, but we have already met in Paris.“ When Monsieur Mehring had gone on his way, Wolff asked me if I really knew who he was. „No, not really.” I learned, then, that Walter Mehring was one of Germany’s most famous young poets, that he had written popular anti-Nazi songs, and that he was very high on the Nazi’s list of wanted men.“